Blade Squeeze

Week 7 - Blade Squeeze 1 Week 7 - Blade Squeeze 2


  • This exercise is a good beginning exercise to promote better posture and strength between the shoulder blades.
  • Start with your arms at your sides, pull your shoulders back and squeeze the shoulder blades together. Think of pinching a pencil between the shoulder blades.
  • Hold the contraction for 1-2 seconds then relax.
  • Note: Keep the shoulders down during the whole exercise and prevent shrugging upward.


Beginner Intermediate Advanced
1-2 sets
5-10 reps
2 sets
10-15 reps
3 sets
10-20 reps

Week 7 – Blade Squeeze (download the PDF)

External Rotation

Week 21 - External Rotation 1 Week 21 - External Rotation 2


  • Start with your feet shoulder width apart and perpendicular to the band.
  • Make sure the band is tied securely.
  • Begin the exercise with tension in the band.
  • Use a towel or paper roll under the elbow to keep the arm in proper position during the exercise.
  • Keeping the elbow at a 90 degree bend, rotate at the shoulder moving the arm outward as far as you can, keeping your elbow against the towel.
  • Note: Make sure to keep proper posture throughout the exercise.
Beginner Intermediate Advanced
1-2 sets
5-10 reps
2 sets
10-15 reps
3 sets
10-20 reps


Week 21 – External Rotation (download the PDF)

Overhead Scapular Blade Squeeze

Week 14 - Overhead Scapular Blade Squeeze 1 Week 14 - Overhead Scapular Blade Squeeze 2


  • Put your hands in the air and bring the elbows to a 90 degree bend.
  • Next pull the arms back and squeeze the shoulder blades together, hold for 1-2 seconds.
  • Note: Keep the shoulders down and away from the ears for the entire exercise.


Beginner Intermediate Advanced
1-2 sets
5-10 reps
2 sets
10-15 reps
3 sets
10-20 reps


Week 14 – Overhead Scapular Blade Squeeze (download the PDF)

Terminal Knee Extension

Week 27 - Terminal Knee Extension 1 Week 27 - Terminal Knee Extension 2


  • To begin, wrap a piece of tubing around a support at knee height or lower. Place the tubing behind the knee.
  • Start with the knee bent and the heel raised.
  • Bring the heel down and straighten out the leg which contracting the quad muscles. Hold for 1-2 seconds.
  • Note: This exercise involves the activation and strengthening of the quad muscles, especially the medial quad.
Beginner Intermediate Advanced
1-2 sets
5-10 reps
2 sets
10-15 reps
3 sets
10-20 reps

Week 27 – Terminal Knee Extension (download the PDF)